
About Me

Hi! My name is Beau, a 17-year-old animal lover from Saratoga Springs who recently started my own dog walking business. I am passionate about dogs and have always been an animal lover, but my love for dogs became even stronger when I lost my own beloved fluffy friend, Maddie. In honor of Maddie, I decided to turn my passion for dogs into a business and help other dog owners provide their fluffy friendz with the love and exercise they need. I am excited to spend time walking and playing with your beloved, fluffy family members and am dedicated to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for both of you. If you’re in need of a reliable and trustworthy dog walker, look no further than HappyFluffyFriendz!

Costs and services

 Here is a list of my services as well as the prices for each. There is a maximum of 5 dogs from each household for each appointment. Poop removal services are booked at 15 minute time slots and do not cut into walking service. A $5 discount will be added for every additional dog with walking services. 


Costs and Services

$10 for 10 minute walk

$20 for 30 minute walk

$30 one hour walk 

Additional service 

$15 for personal yard poop removal (15 minutes) 

$5 poop punch card 

(Additional services can be added before or after walks) 


If you have any further questions about services or costs, please DM me @happyfluffyfriendz on instagram